Well, the snows gone, for good it looks, well we're definately not gonna get another blizzard like we got when these
pics were taken. So they're finally here, my snowboardin pics. This was over my friends house (see last picture) and we built
up at least 5 ramps/grind rails, what have you...the rail i'm on is on a snow mound at least 2-3 feet high. Enjoy.
Ha and they all laughed at me when i first started to try...
Well, maybe i couldnt really do it when i first came over, but i got better!
Oh yeah, this is nice
W00T! Fear my skills punks.
Here's one of the jumps, the whole place got icy when it got darker so the jumps were almost impossible to make it to
since you had to turn to make them.
One of the jumps i went off of when it was icy.....ow
I really need to hire a new camera man, wait....i wasnt even paying this one....it all makes sense now!!!
Dunno what move he pulled here, this is the dudes house i was over. Props to this trick.